Monday 3 June 2013

Day 44 Lions and Dai's Bar.

Today was our last full day at the Hotel Best Negresco.

While the all inclusive deal has been excellent the same food for 7 days is wearing a bit thin so it will be good to get back to normal.
Ned and Cody

Cody  has had a great time playing with his friend Ned. They really have hit it off.

Having lazed at the pool for much of the morning Dave and I went to see the Lions play the Baa Baas.

Jason Neds dad had found this bar called the Welsh Embassy. So we watched the lions win comfortably. Dai Jenkins had been in Salou for 30 years.

We then returned to parenting duty.

Georgie, Anna, Jason and Moi

The night was quiet. Great to meet you guys follow the blog. Get Ned to get in touch with Cody.!!

Last Day tomorrow will involve packing and Driving to Barcelona airport.

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