Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 68 Life's Tough!

Well it's a tough life moving from one paradise to another!  We were up early again, for holiday mode I mean as early is 7 or 8 am.  I don't know how we will cope when we are back to reality going to school and work daily.  It doesn't bear thinking about at present anyway!!  we left the old town of Dubrovnik walking through a very quiet main street, filing our bottles up at the Onoferios fountain which is ancient and beautiful and provides nice cold water to drink from, fill your bottles up or if you are 5 or 7 to dunk your head under and generally cool down! 

Franjo Truman bridge.

 We then Caught a bus to the bus terminal, with a small hitch. We didn't see the terminal and although the driver knew we were foreigners and going to the bus terminal he didn't say a word.  Eilian was spewing!  This is one of the stressors of traveling, and I must admit Eilian has done 99 percent of the work in researching, asking and organizing the the trip so me and the boys just cruise around and he runs around and buys the tickets, catches buses to get security passes, validating tickets etc etc.  He rocks!!  anyway this time I asked the bus driver how far the bus terminal was and he said 4 km back!  Great.  You tosser.  So we had to hop off and fortunately a bus came to take us back and we managed to catch our bus to Korcula it cost about $75 bucks to get us here.

The drive to Korcula was stunning.  Croatia is a beautiful country.  It is quite dry and arid and looks like the foliage on Rangitoto Island but made up of archipelago's.  It's stunning!  after a lovely drive with both Cody and Luke having sleeps on the way, a stop with great views, a car ferry to the island,we arrived 3 hours later in Korcula.  after finally getting hold of the guy who manages the apartment we got into our accommodation. it is OK.  Quite well appointed, but no view or outside space.  However in the heart of the lovely little old town.  

The afternoon was spent for Eilian sleeping as he wasn't feeling well while Luke and I went for a swim and a quick snorkel.  Cody chilled out with the iPad.  At least it isn't quite so hot here and a bit more pleasant because of it.  

everyone then went for a swim, unfortunately we collected heaps of broken glass on the beach, which has been a disappointing phenomenon throughout our trip.  We call it man destroying nature and we have spent ages picking up and clearing up as most kiwis I would hope would do where ever they are. Back to the apartment for a chillout a bubbly or two and a beer or two then a nice dinner out!

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