Monday 17 June 2013

Day 59 Gelato in Amalfi

Today was a day of travel but we again made the most of he small amount of time we had après arrival.

We had a mini lie in and then started packing. Anna has had a shopping spree so room in the packs was tight. We yet again had a good breakfast at Hotel Selene.

I was very pleased when we arrived at termini station to have this american lady who was next in line to inform me that the document I had printed off at the library in the Bont was indeed a ticket and no further queuing was necessary. Yip yip.

We of on the train on platform 11. It was a modern version of the old excursion trains that we used to go to Cardiff as kids to watch Wales play I remember lying in the luggage rack on the way home from Cardiff as that was the only space left.


Cody listening to some tunes

We arrived in salerno bang on time at 2.30 we then had a short walk to the ferry terminal. The kids saw fish after fish in the port and played with some Italian kids which was great.

We then got on the ferry for Amalfi. It was 35 minutes.

It was amazing

We then got to our apartment and took in some more views from our 2 balconies. Christine Connolly you would love it.

I have never seen so many ice cream shops in 200 m square.

These ones are from our apartment.

luke is mopping the deck to keep him busy. His choice not slave labour. Honest Paul.

We then went for a swim Cody has been amazed at the fish he has swam and swam. Fantastic well done Cody. Luke has got into it too.

Dinner was amazing we had great brusscietta for nibbles a platefull of gnocchi with tomato sauce, calamari fritti, Cody had another pizza with salami and luke ate whatever he said tomorrow night I want calamari to myself.

We returned home for a well earned rest.


  1. Could you pick me up a Vibiemme and bring it home? Thanks mate- they're not too heavy are they??!

    1. Got it going good now? Remember not to put the nozzle too far under the surface of the milk.

    2. I have sold the Rancilio, so committed to the upgrade now. Damn you Jones and your excellent coffee machine!!

  2. Hi cody I really miss you so much i wish you were here.from sam

    1. Hi sam

      I wish you were here rather than the really annoying Luke. We have seen hundreds of fish while we are snorkelling it has been fantastic.

      Hope everything in room 14 is going well and that you are scoring lots of goals in soccer.
