Wednesday 12 June 2013

Day 55 Le louvre

It is 9.15pm and I'm sitting here with a glass of Champagne the doors to the apartment wide open looking out onto St Francis Xavier church. To be honest I could still be at the Louvre there is so much to see.

We got up early (for us) and I went to the local Boulangerie a stones throw away to get warm Pain au Chocolade for the team. They were awesome.

If you are around this place try it.

TheParis metro has been a breeze to navigate.

We then headed off to the louvre where we saw artifacts from Rome and egypt as well,as some amazing paintings. I personally am not one for art but hats off some of these were awesome.

The louvre really!
Egyptian mummies
early scales remarkable really

According to cody this is gandalf ??

Cupid drawback your bow and let your arrow flow

this guy was awesome it cost us though 

We then headed north to the museum of science which was an interactive playground for young and old. Anna went home but the lads stayed on to a special section for 5-12 yr olds we had great time doing more age related interactive stuff which the boys loved.

faster and faster

On the way home I was pestered to stop for is gelato( these kids are going to be international fellows of the world gelato eating society, we go to Rome tomorrow)

We caught up with Anna and went for dinner. On our Return we visited the same Boulangerie for dessert very nice again too thank you very much.

chill axing with a delicious chocolate tart.

Now the kids are asleep we will pack for our flight to Rome tomorrow.

Bon voyage

Aurrevoir Paris.

Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. Bois bach, what an amazing trip you lot are having. Not sure if the Italians are ready for the Crays :)
    Have a great time in Rome, and remember....when in Rome :)
