Monday 3 June 2013

Day 43 another day of wind

As today was windy we put the kids into kids club and the adults went off to the markets at La Piña. Linda got some good bargains buying a dress and a pair of trousers for 3 Euro each. I surprised myself by not buying anything oh hang on I did buy a necklace and bracelet set.

the kids had enjoyed kids club and Freddie won the boules! after another banquet for lunch we headed off to the mountains.  the cars have proved invaluable.  a half hour trip got us up and meandering through the small stereos of Riudecanyes and then up to a Castillo de escornalbon castle to explore.   there were some amazing views of everywhere we had been and through the mountains to the coast.

  It was dry arid land but has a rugged beauty to it.  We then headed back along the coast to the hotel for our  usual evening drinks on the bridge in the sun.  a few tequila sunrises & piña colada and we were ready once again for another huge meal.  I must have put on 2kg a day and everyone agrees that we can't stay here for too long or we would have to roll home. 

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