Tuesday 11 June 2013

Day 54 ooh la la in Paris.


I know this is obvious but what an amazing city.

We were well organised and were out of the door to get to the Eiffel Tower. We were at the south gate at 8.45 as the photo will show to walk up to the second floor and then get the lift to the top. Alas the younger members of the party( all three) jibbed out and wanted to get the lift all the way. I succumbed to peer pressure and decided to follow suit. We were at the summit by 10am and had great views of the city it was amazing. Thank you Gustav Eiffel it was awesome being 280 meters above the ground.

All below from Eiffel Tower
Palais du chautilly

Military school

Guards on the bank of the seine Cody said as we saw them "those guys have real guns. This place BEATS"
Arc de Triomph
Anna and boys at level 2

Physical Ed inner city style

At the top

We then took a open top Bus ride courtesy of the Paris card. We had a great half tour of the city picking up he majority of the must sees. We got dropped off at Opera and walked the remaining distance to the Grevin Museum Paris' equivalent to Madame Tussauds to catch up with some waxwork friends!!

Goodbye Norma jean or anna jones

god knows but Cody was having fun
like a virgin!! Who?

Any tips Mr Einstein
Mona Lukie Mona Lukie can you see the hurricane in the picture
Watch out boys Frank is gonna get ya

Indiana meet Cody and Luke Jones

3 saints

Anna with 3 men???

Then we went to the Choco story which was great as we saw the. History of chocolate covered 4000 years worth of enjoyment.

The chocolatier made us some chocolates.

We then heade for some culture to the crypt of Norte dame it too over 200 years to build it. The church that is.

Then we went into the church itself 

Then Lukie boy spotted his Lady ( his special blanket changed into a boat)

Then after subway for the kids we got back on the red bus and toured around the Champs élysées and Arc de Triomphe.

After adult dinner we went on the Seine Cruise ride again courtesy of the Paris card.

All in all an awesome if not hectic day the boys did well 8 am til 11pm with minor squabbles.

Roll on tomorrow another biggie.

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