Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 67 Dubrovnik.

Today we had to move apartments so I (Anna) woke up early and looked at the beautiful view over the old town and the beautiful Bay.  I researched what we should do that day to make the most of the lovely old town which we would be staying in the heart of.  then off tot the supermarket to get fresh eggs & bread for breakfast.  

Eilian was up by the time I was back pleasantly surprised that he didn't have to run around as usual.  At 8 we woke the boys up and went down to the beach for a morning swim,  The water was crystal clear and refreshing as it was already hot and I had already done about 200 stairs that morning. Honestly my legs should be slim and trim but alas no!  after breakfast and a search for the turtles to say goodbye we were on our way to the new digs.  We were sad to leave our spacious 2 bedroom apt with stunning views.  Our new place was the opposite, based in the old town in a building hundreds of years old.  it was two stories up a dark passage way filled with old framed pictures that you could only just maneuver round with a pack on.  Fortunately we realized that we had left our passports behind when they asked to see them.  so Eilian rushed back to get them.  Phew it would have been a disaster if we hadn't realized until we were due to fly out!!

The apartment was lovely with 2 small chandeliers and two lovely bedrooms off the lounge and glorious air conditioning as it was already over 30 degrees and hot, hot, hot!  We then got ourselves organised and went off up the cable car which gave an outstanding view of the old town.  there was even a lovely breeze up there. 

 On our return we grabbed some lunch from a bakery which has things like pastry filled with cheese and pizzas, and meter long thin pastry filled with a lightly spicy meat.  Delicious.  Cody is eating very poorly, not liking much which has only got worse since he was sick.  He is even off gelatos!!  but Luke makes up for it trying all the seafood and meat!  we sat in the old town overlooking the harbour while we polished off the food.  

our next stop was to a kiwi photographer who had moved to the country in 1990 who had an exhibition on the war and bombings that happened in Debrovick and Bosnia.  Cody was pretty fascinated as how people live.  we are trying to show the boys how things can happen out of your control, like war and earthquakes etc that can dramatically change your living conditions.  Funnily enough he lived in the apartment opposite us where the turtles lived.  eilian had met him, but didn't realise it was the same Kiwi.  

it was now very hot so it was time for a rest back in the hotel to cool down.  eilian & I took turns looking around the old town without children, while they proceeded to beef up on their karate skills in their room.  Just as well the walls are very thick in the hotel!  I went to the Franscian monastery and the oldest pharmacy in the world.  It was beautiful, unfortunately I forgot the camera, but it had some similarities to the cathedral in Almafi.  It did have some books from the 15th C and an amazing piece of art work one which looking better in my eyes anyway than the Mona Lisa.  

We met up at 5 to have a gelato at the towns port and then went for a walk around the whole of the city's walls which are all still intact.  it took over 1.5 hours and was fabulous. you could see how people lived and got some amazing views of the harbour and over the whole of the old town.  

Dinner out was a disappointment as the food was very average and the service extremely slow, causing me to complain and Eilian to get a discount.  But overall a fabulous day in Dubrovnik old town.

1 comment:

  1. Eiliano must have been the happiest man in Dubrovnik getting a discount meal :)
