Wednesday 19 June 2013

Day 60 Amalfi beach, washing and stuff like that.

The kids have got our sleeping in genes.10am today.

Amalfi is beautiful

It really is a hive of activity outside our house.

rich and famous
Ferrys to Positano? Capri? Salerno?

Our first job was to Suss out the options for getting some laundry done. We found a launderette and then picked up our washing at 6 pm. Too nice a day to waste watching a washing machine go round.

We headed to the beach the water was glorious and the sun was hot about 32 degrees we recon. We bought Cody a snorkel and mask as he was dying to get in and see the fish he was really good at it and swam out at least 75 meters to the buoys ( with one of us of course.). Luke had a fishing net but could not understand why he could not catch any fish..??

as you can see not a sandy beach but the temp and water are awesome.

Anna and Cody standing on a rock.

Monday on the beach.
Cody with a new stick

We then went into town had a bite to eat and then headed back for more swimming etc. 

Amalfi Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Sant'Andrea/Duomo di Amalfi) is a 9th-century Roman Catholic structure in the Piazza del Duomo, Amalfi, Italy. It is dedicated to the Apostle Saint Andrew. Predominantly of Arab-Norman Romanesque[citation needed] architectural style, it has been remodeled several times, adding Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic, and Baroque elements. The cathedral includes the adjoining 9th century Basilica of the Crucifix. Leading from the basilica are steps into the Crypt of St. Andrew.[1]

I went to get the clothes and did some shopping.

Anna and the kids were all showered And ready to rock and roll.

We headed out for a cone which had squid and prawns in it it was a great cheap dinner..

We strolled along the promenade and got home at 10.45 pm Anna is reading and it is all quiet in the kids room so that is good.

We asked the kids if they want to go to the ruins of Pompeii ( they are over it really) they want to go to the beach. That just saved me $200. Oh well. We will go to positano instead.

Time for more sleep. Only 40 days til were back. LOL.


1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! Just wrote a long post and then deleted it. Bugger. Looks like you are having such a fab time XXXX Miss you xxxx Sarah darryl, Ella and Theo. Take care and have FUN!!!!!!! X
