Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day 46 Widow twankys laundry

Today was a nice sleep in and feeling good after a great pillow.  The Spanish only have one long pillow that you have to share with who ever else is in bed with you . . . This is OK when your partner takes 2/3 of the bed on an angle!!!(Note from Eilian)

 We did load after load of washing, got the kids to do some school work (like pulling teeth, especially with Cody and his writing)! 

In an attempt to start working off all the food and alchol I (Anna) took Bodger the rather enthusiastic dog and the kids for a long walk along the bridal path.  It is a beautiful area and we met lots of people and other dogs along the way.

We then went to see  Molly and Freddies school and met a few of the lovely teachers.  It was off to feed the chickens and put them to bed at Liz's house (Dave's Mum) which is a job that Luke does everyday we are there.

When Dave got home from work we went for a walk up To St Chads Church and the Church Inn and ended up having dinner there. Great plans are always flexible.  The kids ran around looking at the peacocks and Llamas an amazing day.

Being with friends.!!!!!!!

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