Friday 21 June 2013

Day 63 Ravello

Today we caught the bus to the beautiful mountain town of Ravello. 362 m above sea level. Most of the lanes are too narrow to navigate by car. The trip there is precarious and if another vehicle comes towards you you have some shuffling and arguing about who has the right of way.

Anyway we had a wonder around the many shops that sell ceramics expensive they are too and had lunch at a lovely restaurant.

We then returned to amalfi where the kids had to do some homework. We then went to our favourite spot in the shade up against the sea wall where we chilled and had a great swim.

Once we got changed we did some planning for Croatia. Then went to a restaurant at the waters edge and had seafood!

On our return Cody was complaining of a bad tummy and has been throwing up all night. I hope he is over it by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Soccer cancelled today all grades, Keith Hay parked closed. Storms and pouring rain all week, Wellington trashed, winds worse than when the Wahine went down. Lucky we have a good coffee machine to keep us warm and buzzing, might get me a new grinder this week.
