Monday 10 June 2013

Day 53 Planes, TrainS and Automobiles

Y Hi
The day started with an early rise and a visit to the bont library to print off some important documents. Like the Vatican museum invoice etc.

We waved our goodbyes to Janette Mair (my mum) at about 11am (this was the automobiles part). I cleaned the hire car on Sunday it was immaculate. (never let the kids eat in the car it was destroyed) I must admit that my cool calm demeanor got a little rattled as we were dropping off the hire carin 10 mins and it looked like a pigsty. Anyway I should not have been so nervous as the young girl at europcar was very pleasant. And did not even check the the interior a lesson learned. I booked the car from auto reservations a broker and got a fabulos deal of 700 for 47 days that's a great deal.

Then came the planes well as a virgin of easy jet Eilian was unsure of the quality of service.  But it was excellent service all round and far more professional than Ryan Air.  ?forma budget airline they were great.  Long may it continue.

We arrived at Paris and after Eilians flapping and Anna's genius (yes guess who is writing this) we got the tickets for the train & metro and were safely on our way.  Even if Luke was running rampant and jumping everywhere!  Our apartment is lovely.  Very Paris, white linen, clean wooden Oak floors, small balconies with big windows that open out to a view of a 16th century church.  Then out  again for dinner as it was already 9 o'clock and the Pringles can only go so far!  Back onto the metro and out to a place that has more restaurants in one street than Auckland city has.  dinner was average in the Lafayette area of town at La Marine friendly staff but that was about the highlight. We kept on saying gracias instead of merci. Oh well by the time we get to grips with it we will be saying Grazie Mille in Italy.

I am trying to work out captions on the iPad for blogger watch this space.

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