Thursday 20 June 2013

Day 62 who's a trani

Today we woke at 9 Cody and I went to get bread and luke and mum stayed in bed!!!!!.

The kids did forced homework til 11.30 it was hard work because they wanted to snorkel.

We went into town and Anna went into church.!!  She has been converted. NOT.

Amalfi square

the church

We walked to a place called A TRANNI which is where I get the blog title from. We went to the public beach and swam, snorkeled and chilled for afternoon . Luke and Cody caught some tideless.


Catching fish in Atrani

We then returned to Amalfi and had another swim there.

Then we had great large pizzas for 10 euro and mat up with Aki  And Emma Jones from Finland. We had a great time meeting them with a few wines and beers!!!! This was great as Anna has Finnish line and we are going there in a few weeks.

Time for bed

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