Sunday 23 June 2013

Day 65 Bari, Bari who the f?@$ is Bari.

Today was an incredibly long day. 

I woke at 5 am obviously worrying about the day ahead. Anna woke at about 7 the kids were goners. We had packed most of our stuff so it was all good to go.

Our deck
view from our bed
view from balcony
Yellow building right arch was our lounge balcony far right with awning was our bedroom one.

We left and waved arivaderchi to Amalfi and headed for Salerno on the ferry. It left early which was just as well. We had instructions to print off our tickets at a machine but it would not let us do it. So we then had to queue for ages to get our tickets for the train to be printed. All was good or so I thought. The train was not running so instead we had to get a bus to Taranto. This was ok but would we get our connection in Taranto for Bari where we would catch our ferry for Croatia.

We missed the train and so waited an hour for the next. It was a dodgy station with men sleeping on the benches etc it was not pleasant but we soon boarded the train and all was good.

We got to the ferry port thanks to trip advisor the no,20 worked a treat. We then had to get the free shuttle to get our tickets and more queues, what a pain but I soon returned tickets in hand and we were set. We met a couple and had a light dinner with them Ekaterina and Andrea.

There is this strange person that we have not met in this city. His name is Bari his name is everywhere he's like dog poo. Bari, Bari who the ,,,,, is Bari. Dedicated to to you my friend thanks for the great posts. Hope Brizzy was good and the lions won. Hooray just heard they won!!

We boarded, the boys were excited at the prospect of sleeping in bunks. It is ok this cabin. 

We went for a drink and met up with 5 delightful ladies from Italy. They spoke little English us little Italiano but we conversed for 45 mins making eac other understand what we were going on about. They gave us some rolls and fresh home made cheese from one of their farms how cool it was delicious too the texture of Edam but the taste of cheddar!!!

Cody wanted to watch the boat set off so we did.

In bed now breakfast at 6 in Dubrovnik at 7 happy days.

Thank you Italy we have loved it.

1 comment:

  1. No man is an Island - except Barry :) So nice to know that you have been thinking/seeing so much of me. But doesn`t look like you could get away from me :)Brisbane was fantastic, as it always is.The boys played tremendously well.
