Thursday 6 June 2013

Day 49 Relaxation in Wales

We had a busy morning with washing, lots of school work for the kids and the afternoon involved reading and playing soccer in the sun. 

Luke is supposed to be working hard at listening and behaving appropriately, but alas is not improving much!  We have said that we would leave him with our friends Dave and Linda until they move back to NZ.  So watch out guys he might be on the train back to you soon!

Eilian & Janette went to choose some tester pots as Eilian is going to paint Janettes bedroom soon - so, much discussion was had between the two over what colour is best.  Eilian is against the light pink, but as I said it is not his room anymore!

A DVD for the boys and a good catch up with Janette over dinner and the day is almost done.  It is 8:30 at night and the boys are outside playing yet another game of soccer.  Yes it is still sunny and we are in Wales.  Miracles never cease - long may it continue!

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