Friday 21 June 2013

Day 64 Last day of amalfi.

Cody has had a really bad night as he would put it "barfing" so Anna did the motherly thing and stayed home while Luke and I went on a male bonding session to the village of Maiori between Amalfi an Salerno.

Luke and I left at 11am and got on the Sita (public transport) bus to the village of Maiori.

This place though not big is reminiscent of the costa del sol with the number of umbrellas and loungers  per square meter of beach. 

Luke had a great time we got up close as we hired a pedaloe

Just had a dunk off the pedalo.

A flash hotel.
Ravello where we went yesterday. Of course anna did not say that when she turned on the camera it said "no memory card" she did not think to check and I was scared to question her as I thought it was my fault. When we got back to amalfi the card was of course there inside the camera as it had been all long.

Luke and. I returned after many swims and games of tag with the best driver on bad roads ever though there were some close scrapes. Do not drive on the Amalfi coast unless you have to. Leave it to the pros.

Cody was a little better and not been sick for some time!!

We decided to get take out from our restaurant of the first night and enjoy the views from our apartment as codymeister was still not 100%.

The restaurant in the middle of the photo is where we had dinner last night. From our balcony.
view from our room

Tomorrow we get the 10.30 ferry to Salerno for our mighty train ride to Bari to get the ferry to Croatia.

See you then

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