Friday 31 May 2013

Day 42 Cambrils

At the pool

Monkeying around

Miss Molly

The crays

Los Ninos


Los adultos

Some random flash boat

Massive fish sculptures

Butchers window with some amazing cured meats

Molly and Mum flashed up
Today we spent the morning being sandblasted by teh strong winds. At least the pool has a glass screen around it to prevent the wind getting at you. The wind has been a problem this week.

Cambrils is 10 minutes south of Salou. It has some pretty flash boats and is also a fishing town. It has a vast array of quality shops that took th girls ages to move from one to another.

We then headed back to the hotel where we had the mandatory pre dinner drinks.

Today is the last day for our welsh friends Donna, Tracy, Lee and Greg et al.

We then played Bingo. And lost.

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