Sunday 12 May 2013

Day 23 Pleasure in Plymouth

We woke with dodgy heads (Phil and I at least) and after we got organised headed to Plymouth to catch up with Jim, Lucy and Joe Pearce in plymouth. Jim and Phil were college friends.

Once we had completed teh hour drive to which following a member of the Devon and Cornwall Police force would be a breeze. I nearly made an un scheduled visit to the Sainsburys Carpark and in avoiding doing so almost wrote the car off!! HA HA.

When we met with the Pearce clan we headed straight the teh National Aquarium where we saw plenty of cool fish and kept on mislaying the kids.

Cody,Joe, Luke and Ewan


 After a few hours we decided to go Tobboganing. This proved to be a great success for all.

Cody and Joe ascending the slope.

Luke being under 7 needed a chaperone

Cody, Ewan and Joe ripping it up

Luke taking Lucy to the limits
Me and Luke being followed by??

The girls decided that a bit of retail therapy was in order the boys took control of the kids and went to a shop that sold Guinness. I saw this guy who looked familiar. I started singing one of his songs. Jim and Phil said what are you doing??. I said that guy is a famous welsh entertainer Dewi Pws!! They said we dare you to go and introduce youself. Here I am making friends.

Who is this guy.

The dribbling jibbers

 We all then went for dinner in Nandos. Then the boys(young) returned back to one of the rooms for a movie. (Thanks James Webb)
The young boys
Having churned over all the stories that make us laugh each time we meet and a few drinks to Absent friends the dribbling jibbers also were tucked up in bed by 11am.

A fantastic day catching up with great friends sorry we cant do this more often!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cody it's cole we are having a assembly you look like your having really fun! See you in 2 months I miss you what day do you come back? Can you write to room 14 on ultarnet? see you Cody you are cool!
