Monday 6 May 2013

Day 17 Our Dynamic Earth.

Today we awoke and took Sam the Dog for an early morning walk.

Then we went into town and went to "Our Dynamic Earth" which is an interactive museum for kids young and old!!!!!

We went from big bang to explanation of volcanoes and ice. The kids loved it even if we got split up as Luke needed to go to the toilet again!!! It was an excellent museum.

It was then back to Softys for a BBQ and a quick run (Run first) with Gary, Wendy,  Finlay, Cameron and Duncan. They brought their dog Tilly so the kids ran the dogs ragged.

This is the last day here over to Kilmarnock to catch up with Annas mums penfriend from when she was a little girl.

Earl morning walk

At our dynamic earth


Ah a brain what does this do??

The past is the key to the future.

Cody, Duncan, Samteh dog, Luke, Cameron, Wendy, Finlay
Soft, Gulfidan Jonesy and Anna

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