Wednesday 1 May 2013

Day 12 Mumbles Mile


Today I needed to take my mother to the hospital for a checkup on her eye surgery that she received a month ago at Singleton Hospital which overlooks Swansea Bay.

Anna took the kids scooting on the promenade while I took mum.

We then headed down to Mumbles where in days gone by we would attempt the infamous Mumbles Mile where you attempt to drink a pint in every pub until you hit Cinderellas nightspot(As it was known and it is still there Klaudia). Unfortunately we often failed or seldom succeeded before we collapsed or were prevented in other ways.

Alas the White Rose was not entered but the now usual stop at joes Ice Cream parlour for chocolate nut sundaes was undertaken. The boys were like machines. As was my 82 year old mother.

Anna wanted some retail therapy so I took the boys and my mum to the local park where they had a blast and let off some of that energy.

Ii took some sad photos as you will see the Swansea Bay is a beautiful bay though badly contaminated by pollution. Thank you industrial revolution for ruining this beautiful spot. You will also see Port Talbot steelworks in the distance the biggest steelworks in Europe.

We then had lunch all good.

I then went for a 10K run.

Our very good friends Dean and Sue Morris visited and we had a great catch up with them which was fantastic.

The days are ticking by.


  1. Great to see the boys running around in tshirt and shorts!

    Janette looks fabulous! Love the hat!!

    We are having fun at Omaha. Riley and I were part of a snapper school when we went snorkelling at Goat Island and then found 12 golf balls. All good fun!

  2. Oh my gosh - I love Mumbles.
    Used to have a beautiful little cottage not far from there in Poet Eyon and Jason's nan still lives in Port Talbot

    Debbie -AGS

  3. To be on the legendary Mumbles Mile and not sink a pint ? Bachgen ! Bachgen ! How things have changed.
