Tuesday 28 May 2013

Day 40

After breakfast of which we were yet again late to we went to  the beach nearby the hotel. We lasted about 2 hours before the wind got the better of us and we decided to head back for lunch.

In the afternoon we went to Tarragona which is the site of the largest Roman settlement in Spain in the 3rd Century.

As we returned the kids wanted to swim in the pool so we obliged and the adults partook in other liquid endeavours.!!! It was here we stayed until dinnertime.

After dinner the hotel put on a  circus act which was excellent but the best Circus act was about to unfold.

The kids had bought powerballs from a vending machine in the hotel. Needless to say one of the said objects ended up in the pool.

I tried making waves to get it to the side. Freddie was unsure of his centre of gravity and ended up in the drink. Fully clothed. This caused much amusement among many onlookers as did his father stripping off to his undies to retrieve another ball at the bottom of the pool.

Video evidence though not conclusive suggests that Freddie may have had some assistance form one Luke Jones. I will attempt to place this footage on the blog.
Eilian, Linda, Freddie, Luke, Dave, Molly, Anna and Cody

Renamed Fabio Jones

Dave and Linda afternoon sun at the pool.

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