Wednesday 8 May 2013

Day 19 Dean Castle Country Park

Hi all

Well we have been full on busy.

Today Anna was spoilt as Hazael had shouted her a massage. While she had this I took the boys to Dean Castle Country Park in Kilmarnoch. It had three excellent zones Urban farm, Countryside, and History. Anna joined us after the massage.

While all zones were great where the kids got to scoot around like fools and play in the playgrounds and on the flying fox.

The highlight was unbelievably the History zone where they tried on ancient medieval chain metal, armour and got to attack each other with a "Real Sword" It was fantastic see the photos.

We then returned to Hazies by 2pm and had a late lunch. The boys were happy as larry in the Garden where they built a den out of some plywood they found in the grounds. It is awesome.

Then Carol anne and Les  (The neighbours) returned with their dogs which was another highlight. Cody and Luke loved playing with Dudley and Rosie.

I returned from a 10KM run over many hills it felt like 15KM and happy hour was in full swing at Gorsehill (Chez Brown).

It was a late night but a great day all round.

With Cloud the budgie

At the castle

Go Boys

Dressing for a duel

Well earned rest for hazie

Cody and Luke in the park

On Guard

Anna and Luke preparing for battle

Arise King Luke Jones the Great

Protecting the Fort

What are you two up to.

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