Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 15 Flower of Scotland

We woke this morning in Chez Williams we had a wonder around york before heading to Thirsk to catch up with Tim and Ali Jones my good friends when I was living in Canterbury.

We had a good catch up with Tim and Ali and also met their twins Oliver and Jonathan.

Then we had a 4 hr car drive to catch up with Dave Hardy(Softy) his partner Gulfidan, Gary Alexander (Ex New Zealand) in Portobello Edinburgh. The boys loved playing with Sam the Golden retriever and had another late night.

We will go into Edinburgh to the castle and have a look around tomorrow.
Cody Scooting towards York Minster

Stevie wills and Moi

Justine, Steve Anna and Eilian

Jonathan, Cody, Oliver, Luke JONES

The boys with Tim and Eilian JONES

Anna and Gary


The Softmeister

York Eye

Jack, Cody, Luke and Ben

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