Friday 3 May 2013

Day 14 Joneses keeping up with the Williams,

Today we are on our way to Edinburgh via York.

We left the Bont at 10.45 and used Google maps to get to York.  Anna did some excellent map reading and guiding and I would not have got there without her!  We made it to York and went right through the middle by mistake, but we saw the absolutely beautiful Cathedral and the lovely old, old town.  We then met up with Steve & Justine who live in a lovely old boarding house which they run for Saint Peters school - a private school.  After watching Jack their youngest son score 16 runs not out to bring home the game we returned back to their house to have a great night.  There was lots of reminescing from Steve, Justine & Eilian who all went to Chelsea College together and worked so hard to get their 4 year PE degrees!  Hah!  From the stories I know there wasn't much hard work at all mainly drinking and pulling pranks on each other.

Anyway there were a few good renditions of the old songs . . . . a good few wines . . . . and a lovely sleep.

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