Sunday 12 May 2013

Day 24 Hasta la vista baby. Don't be strangers.

We all woke and had breakfast at the premier inn.

We had a mandatory team photo for memories. Thanks everyone for a great Saturday!!!!

Eilian, Anna, Tracy, Phil, Lucy, Jim. Luke, Cody, Ewan, Joe

I cannot believe the boys played tag at every opportunity .

While walking through plymouth we saw this appropriate sign look to the left of CODY
 We then went on the Plymouth Eye. 60m above the Hoe

Luke on the Waltzer!!!!!!
We then headed back to Mamgus for a well earned rest!!!


  1. Hi Cody, I have a New Guinea pig, she's a baby and she's 4 weeks old and she's called Teddy. She's brown. I'm still missing you. Bumper boats look fun. From Sam

  2. Hi Cody, I have a New Guinea pig, she's a baby and she's 4 weeks old and she's called Teddy. She's brown. I'm still missing you. Bumper boats look fun. From Sam
