Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 36 CIE and Traffic

Today I went to CIE.

I met face to face with Jay Surti and John Harrod, we had much discussion re the coursework components of the courses AS and A2.

Then the nightmare began.

There was a bad crash on the M1 we sat in traffic for hours. then we got going then we had other issues with traffic!!!!! We finally got to Dave and Lindas at 7ish.

So good to see them.

After dinner we went to a Brass Band competition. 160 brass bands converge on the villages of south yorkshire. It was some event. We got to bed at 1am


  1. We have been following your blog every day and think it is great.
    Cody and Luke where has all of your hair gone. Maybe the horses chewed it off, or the wind blew it away. Anyway you look great.
