Tuesday 14 May 2013

Day 25 .25, 25%,1/4 Gone

 Day 25 was spent chilling out. So much so that Anna stayed in Bed til 12pm.

The Boys and I went down to the Library and got out 8 books. then went to Jenkins cafe for some refreshments and to the surgery to catch up with Diane jones my friend Karens mum.
We then spent time around the house doing washing and playing soccer on the lawn.

My mum looking weary

Pea sized hailstones
 I went out to sort out some stuff for Annas birthday and got caught in a hailstorm. SPRING in the UK!!!!!!!!!!!

The Boys and Mamgu
We had a nice stir fry for dinner then chilled and watched some movies.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Anna! Hope your all having fun and really enjoying your posts! I got a speeding ticket lol but am able to scrape through this month with our projected goals in tact ;) just lol, and with your lovely gift, I am getting a 2x4mL x .6m H x .5m W vege box :)) Hope you had a special Birthday hon :)
    Barbs x
