Wednesday 15 May 2013


It has been a full on few weeks so today was away from shops etc it was chilling at Glynhir. With yesterdays Hail I was fed up of the wet clothes on the line for 3 days so i went down the launderette.

I also caught up with my friend of 40 yrs Mark Bish who is back from Dubai.

I went for one of my favourite runs off road onto Cefn Drim mountain across the old Golf Links and a beautiful view of the LLwchwr Valley past Loughor splitting West Glamorgan and Dyfed. Bloody great. Luke decided he wanted to go for a run when Ii got back. we went to the old bunker (It really is a world war 2 bunker) where I used to play a lot as a boy British V Germans. he did not stop for at least 2 KM. He is 5 future squad of distance TOAD??

The boys did good school work today the three R's. Which was great and they enjoyed it once they started.
They fed the Horses  Luke in particular loves it.
Played Football Cody sporting his Goalie gloves a mere 3 Quid at sports direct.

We had spag Bol for dinner which my mum has never really had before can you see her chin, she is going to Kill me.
Then we finally met up with long time pals Karen and Kevin Thomas at their wonderful home note the pool table and the kids were kept in check with WIIII
Anna and Karen Dawn

Kevin, Karen.?? and Anna
More from the Joneses blog tomoro.

1 comment:

  1. Eilian! Anna! Cody! Luke! XXXX

    1st time for ages that I've checked on your blog. It's awesome! I read it back and back, you're very clever! you've probably got it sussed by now, but it's really in depth, what a beautiful record of such great times. It's made me a bit homesick actually looking at all the pics of Wales and Plymouth esp.
    So glad all is well and you're obviously having such an amazing time, well why wouldnt you be?!
    I reckon you and Luke really look like your Mum. And Cody more and more like you Anna. Hey, happy belated 34th birthday! You dont look a day over 33.
    We went to Poppy's party at Q Rabbit today and we missed you. Esp. Theodore who looked a bit lost with all the girls, I said ' are you missing Cody and Luke?" and he said "YEAH!" with much conviction:) Pops had a great day and of course all the other kids. Every girl there was a different nationality, it was like a Benetton ad.

    Im really pleased because as I write this Angel has come and sit next to me on sofa for the first time in a few weeks since we got our new kitten Marley, a crazy marmalade tabby ( boy) cat. Darry;'s advanced 50th bday pressie. Angel's had her nose put right out of joint, but is slowly coming round with lots of love and affection.
    I am busy planning D's 50th, it 's a big suprise still. boy we're gonna miss you that night! It's looking like it's gonna be a stormer.
    I got to go out soon to Grammar for the porduction Jesus Christ Superstar, I have done the set and props, so I m backstage again. It's really taken alot of energy and time, but it's looking excellent and is a big success, so worth it.
    Otherwise we're all well and sent our best love to you. Be safe and be seen like good hedgehogs:)
    Love you's XXXX
