Monday 6 May 2013

Day 18 It's a long way to Kilmarnock on crappy roads.

Well the day started off well, with a warm day and a stroll along the promenade at Portobello with the obligitory play with Sam the dog for the boys!
We had a lovely breakfast out with Softie out which was great.  A BIG thank you to Dave and Gulfidan for having us to stay and your wonderful hospitality.  We left 10 kilos heavier and went on our way to Hazies.  Unfortunately I took directions while walking along the beach from Hazie which were subsequently prooved to  be rather incorrect.

The Boys

While Eilian complained at having to slow down at all the villages, I thought it was a beautiful drive through the Scottish countryside and many castles and grand homes were seen (and a 10 minute snooze as well).  Unfortunately I got the instructions wrong a few times and after a few wrong turns and new and correct instructions were issued from a garage and (SIGH) we finally arrived at Hazies.  The boys were disappointed that the house was not full of dogs, but delighted with the budgies, and the Folley and Hazies garden, which they turned into a fort, maze and many other wonderful things.  Coming in hours later all dirty after spotting a squirrel and many varieties of birds.

We have had a lovely dinner and a relaxing evening catching up then off to bed early ready for another exciting day in sunny (possibly) day in Scotland.


  1. Oh my goodness you're in Kilmarnock- less than 20k from the dreary seaside village of Stevenston where my Davidson ancestors hung out in the 1800's - a place I will certainly visit one day. Loving your blog!

  2. Hi cody I went to Jayden's birthday it was at mega zone. It was fun. It is raining here. From Sam

  3. Hi Sam
    I hoped you had a great holiday. I am having a wonderful time in Europe. I bet you would love the Simpsons ride at Universal Studios.

    From your friend
