Monday 29 April 2013

Day 11 Charity shop here we come.

I have taken it upon myself to tidy, sort and have a spring clean of Janettes house.  So over the last few days I have reorganised her kitchen in order for her to be able to get to everything much more easily since she has broken her hip and become less mobile.  This also required a big clear out of many things.  So today was more of the same and a trip to the charity shop to get rid of a car load of stuff was great.  I have since got another half car load and still going . . . .

The weather has finally started getting better and the boys are enjoying some scooting, trip to the pound shop (similar to the $2 shop - but better bargins!)  And they love feeding the horses at the back of Janettes house - we have already gone through a bag of apples and carrots.  Meant for the people, but gone to the horses . . . oh well . . .  some will be well fed around here.

The boys demanded a dinner out at the pub, so off we went to Eilians old local the Farmers.  The boys loved their dinners, ours were very average, but still nice to get out.  Everywhere we go, we bump into someone we or Eilian knows . . .


  1. Can you please come down to Chch and sort out my house too :-)

  2. Any decent coffee over there? Finally managed to get some decent texture out of the milk today, practice etc... Trip looks awesome, now we are being nagged to take our lot!
