Saturday 20 April 2013

Day 2 Universal Studios On the red carpet

Hi all
Day 2 began with me needing a stick of dynamite to wake up the boys.

Candice our Satnav is healthy and well so got us to Universal City in no time

Our first and only mistake was taking the boys to the house of horrors where real life ghouls would jump out from anywhere and put the shits up the kids and us. That was our first attraction!!! We never want to go in there again said Luke. We had to leave at teh emergency exit they were screaming so much. As a zombie with a chainsaw attacked Cody and myself shouting "come here little boy"!!!!!!!

Following this a much more sedate studio tour ensued which was excellent even if Norman Bates chased us up the road weilding his knife(See below)

We then went on the Simpsons ride and the amazing Waterworld which the kids loved. We then saw the Animal actors and then had lunch.

Down the escalators to the bottom lot where we got the mandatory soaking on Jurassic park, The kids then had photos with Bumble Bee from Transformers and the older kids went o n the Transformer and Mummy rides both fantastic.

The boys and mum went back on the Simpsons ride and then got a soaking in the new attraction the water attraction?? We ended the day with the shrek 4D movie?? Not just 3D but the seat in front Squirted you with water and your seat moved and blew cold air down your back.

WE then had dinner at Wolfgang Puck in Universal city and saw some buskers and bands before we went to reunite with candice and venture back to Altadena. We are here and ready for bed.

Tomorrow we go to Orange County to catch up with the Zeitlers.

On the red carpet

It's the Woody Woodpecker Show and the Joneses of Course

The count from Hotel Transylvania  wanting blood

Mandatory photo from Universal

Wisteria Lane!!!

Flooding a Mexican Village

The Fast and the Furious

No Cody has not got mumps but rather has 2 gobstoppers u know where

The Grinch who stole christmas

Norman Bates approaching knife in hand.

The amazing and always spectacular Waterworld.


Thanks Codes  for the support Frank is a nice guy really

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