Monday 22 April 2013

Day 5 M I C K E Y M O U S E

Today was a wonderful day at Disneyland.  The day started out with Breakfast.  There is nothing like breakfast in America, especially if your name is Cody Jones.  Actually both boys ordered chocolate chip pancakes with lashings of cream and maple syrup and some fresh fruit thrown in for good measure accompanied by large hot chocolates (they don't understand the concept of fluffies or smaller sizes for children) and this was topped by whipped cream.  All I could think about was both of them throwing up on our first ride!  Cody of course ate the lot, Luke of course didn't get through half of it.

Then on to Disneyland.  After our mistake at Universal Studios, we selected Buzz Lightyear as the first ride and they loved it.  It was very tame and a good start to the day.  Disappointment was aboud when we found out that space mountain was closed for the day!  Then on to become a Jedi Knight.  Luke decided it wasn't for him but Cody was keen.  Unfortunately although he was specially selected due to the force being strong within him he decided to turn down the opportunity due to his light sabre skills being a bit rusty!  As disappointed parents (sorry Paul Severn - we will make a Jedi Knight of him yet) we wandered on to the next ride.  The Matterhorn was a success (even if it did put my neck out (Anna)), and they refused to enter the Haunted Mansion - what a surprise, although Luke was keen for a while and said when he was 20 30 he would definately go on it!  After car rides, travels on space ships and meeting Darth Vader, the chip monks, photos with storm troupers, etc etc it was a great day had by all.  Unfortunately Pirates of the Carribean was terrifying to Cody who never wanted to go on another ride again, Indiana Jones was a slight redemer until we went to Peter Pan and the Tarzan House!  Then life was good again.  Luke loved them all!  Unfortunately the ones the kids love the most are the 3D ones which are also the ones that Eilian & I feel decidely queezy on by the end.  Unfortunately I got very wet on the aptly named splash mountain.  With only Luke in front of me, I copped the lot for the boat. Thanks boys!!!  We entered the park at 10 am and left Disney Land when it closed at 8pm.  Then went on a journey through downtown Disney to find Lego World and have some dinner.  Lego World was amazing and 6 items later . . . . . . the boys were very happy.  Another successful day in LA.  Tommorrow we are on a plane and heading to Wales . . .


  1. Great to see you guys having an absolute blast!
    Had a few laughs at the commentary.
    Will enjoy following your whirlwind travels.
    Miss you guys.
    Love Rhonda, Barry, Cerys and Siân xxxx

  2. Cheers Guys back to sunny west wales soon!!

  3. Hi Cody it's cole! U look like your having a fun time I found your hat on the feild I'm getting a snap back hat to!! I'll check you blog again soon. From your friend cole

  4. hi cole

    yes i am having a wonderful time. thanks for finding my hat. i hope you are having a great holiday

    from cody
