Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 98 Grizzly Bears and Lumberjacks.

Well today was our last day on our mammoth trip of 100 days.

We hope you have enjoyed following our escapades.

Today was a bit of a surprise as we intended going for a bike ride around Stanley park however Tania Rosenberg our friend from Barry Thomas' wedding arranged for us to go to grouse mountain with complimentary tickets. Cheers Tania.

We got the free shuttle from Canada place it was a 25 minute ride.

Firstly we went on the Gondola which took 4 minutes from bottom to top. This was great particularly as we went over the towers/pylons as the whole thing rocked like crazy.

The boys were excited because they were going to get up close and personal with Grizzly bears. there was also a Lumberjack show and a bird show with Peregrine falcons a bald eagle, Turkey Vulture and owl. The kids loved it. 

After all the excitement we went down the gondola and the 3 o clock bus back to the city. 

We snuk into the Sheraton for a shower and then got our bags to go to the airport.

We were there in plenty of time and our flight took off on the dot 8 pm we will not have Thursday the 25 th July this year.

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