Wednesday 10 July 2013

Day 82 Worms and a sea voyage.

I am sitting here on the deck writing yesterday's blog. There really are worse things I could be doing. This place is so relaxing I have just slept in til 11am.

Anyway we only woke at 11 today as well and Vireva and Samuli had prepared a wonderful breakfast. After this the kids played and I sat and drank coffee. Until Cody decided that he wanted to go fishing off the pier. Bait was needed so I spent the next hour digging for worms. The kids did really well and caught some nice but small fish.

The pier looking back to the house.

 We then decided at 2.15 to go on an amphibious assault to the south west corner of Finland. See chart.
on our amphibious assault.

the girls

Cody, Eilian, luke, Anna, Samuli, Eeli, Vireva and Phla.

the cafe


 Kiwi Chef.

The place we went to was called Hogsar. We had an excellent trip on the speedboat and went to this excellent restaurant Grandmas Cafe translated in finnish. The kids played soccer and saw the animals. Before we turned around it was 6 pm and time to return home. 

After some excitement and lost keys Pihla lit the fire for the sauna and I dug for more worms and the kids caught more fish.

I am getting used to this sauna business and can't believe that it is stil light at 11.30 at night.
This 11.30?????

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