Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 97 mixture of a day.

Today Cody woke up early so we went for a mans coffee and chocolate. Then we went to the park for throwing and catching practice.

When we got back Luke was awake and wanted to go swimming so we did.

Then we went for breakfast at the market. Which was good.

Then we met up with the mcmillans for the last time before they headed back,to Vancouver island.

Danielle, Jack, Cody, Luke and Sophie.

Back John, Jaqueline, Anna, Eilian
front Danielle, Jack, Cody, Luke and Sophie.

You are a DISGRACE

Olympic torch

Free willy.
Farewell McMillan clan.

Then we went back to,the hotel for a swim.

Then we went downtown and to Chinatown.

When we got back we waited for Tanya Rosenberg from Barry and Rhondas wedding came to meet us.

Bed time as we leave tomorrow.

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