Friday 26 July 2013

Day 100 The End

It is with mixed feelings that I sign off the blog.

It has been a truly amazing experience to be away from work for 100 days. I feel very privilidged to have been given this time off. Thanks Auckland Grammar School, it is appreciated.

We have hopefully made the most of it, if not too bad it is too late now.

I hope the boys remeber it for the rest of their lives but realise that much will be jogged as a memory from the blog.

The highlights are many almost too many to list.

Personally I loved Paris more than Rome but the italian food was a highlight it must be said. The fryingpan full of seafood rissotto and the Gnocci was amazing.

Croatia was an amazing unspoilt, laid back place that we loved the most probably. Bol on the island of Brac was amazing. The degustation meal we had in Korcula was amazing along with the SANDY beach. (where was it).

Finland was amazing, just beautiful, espeically the archipeligo.  I will go back but in the winter to get the contrast.

Wales was fantastic as I got to meet up with Friends and Family which beats places in my opinion anyday (though places are good too).

Thanks to everyone who fed us, let us stay at their homes and showed us great hospitality without you I would be forced to sell a kidney on the Russian black market.  Eilian.

We have had a fabulous, once in a lifetime trip that has been made so much richer because of all the time spent with such wonderful people and the great times that we had with you all.  We are now back to reality and yet appreciate even more the richness of life and making the most of everyday.  You are all welcome to visit us in our little paridise on the other side of the world!

Take care, have fun and we hope to see you all sooner rather than later!
PS - thanks to Eilian for all the organisation, running around, booking, speaking other languages and doing the blog most days!  Your rock.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 99 Write off day

We are in the air on the way back to Auckland.

Day 98 Grizzly Bears and Lumberjacks.

Well today was our last day on our mammoth trip of 100 days.

We hope you have enjoyed following our escapades.

Today was a bit of a surprise as we intended going for a bike ride around Stanley park however Tania Rosenberg our friend from Barry Thomas' wedding arranged for us to go to grouse mountain with complimentary tickets. Cheers Tania.

We got the free shuttle from Canada place it was a 25 minute ride.

Firstly we went on the Gondola which took 4 minutes from bottom to top. This was great particularly as we went over the towers/pylons as the whole thing rocked like crazy.

The boys were excited because they were going to get up close and personal with Grizzly bears. there was also a Lumberjack show and a bird show with Peregrine falcons a bald eagle, Turkey Vulture and owl. The kids loved it. 

After all the excitement we went down the gondola and the 3 o clock bus back to the city. 

We snuk into the Sheraton for a shower and then got our bags to go to the airport.

We were there in plenty of time and our flight took off on the dot 8 pm we will not have Thursday the 25 th July this year.

Day 97 mixture of a day.

Today Cody woke up early so we went for a mans coffee and chocolate. Then we went to the park for throwing and catching practice.

When we got back Luke was awake and wanted to go swimming so we did.

Then we went for breakfast at the market. Which was good.

Then we met up with the mcmillans for the last time before they headed back,to Vancouver island.

Danielle, Jack, Cody, Luke and Sophie.

Back John, Jaqueline, Anna, Eilian
front Danielle, Jack, Cody, Luke and Sophie.

You are a DISGRACE

Olympic torch

Free willy.
Farewell McMillan clan.

Then we went back to,the hotel for a swim.

Then we went downtown and to Chinatown.

When we got back we waited for Tanya Rosenberg from Barry and Rhondas wedding came to meet us.

Bed time as we leave tomorrow.

Day 91 chilling

Today we did nothing .

Day 96 Vancouver science centre.

Today I woke at 6 and went for a run/shuffle around the waterfront and into stanley park. It was a lovely morning and not too hot though I did get honked by irate drivers as I ran across the dual carriage way.

I was back after having a swim in the pool at 7.10

Then we went to theMcmillan hotel and took breakfast there. We then got he sky train which is really what Auckland should have don't you agree Kerry Connolly. 

This was a great interactive Science museum with shows etc.

We had another great swim with the boys, they are getting Good at it now.

We chilled after this and did not go out for dinner until about 8.30.

Monday 22 July 2013

Day 95 Vancouver aquarium and the critter.

Hi today we decided that it was a good idea to go to Vancouver aquarium. What a great day.

This city is really quite compact and it was a short bus ride to Stanley Park the centre of the recreational area of the city.

This place got the kids on the move from the first second. Codys favourite was the anaconda and Luke's favourite was the beluga whales and the dolphin show.

I have to say that of all the amazing species we saw the best were the Beluga whales they are amazing creatures.

 We saw everything and were really amazed by how good this place was, the best aquarium we have ever been to.
See below.

We were back at 6 pm to catch up with John, Jacquelie, Sophie, Danielle and Jack McMillan. We went out for dinner thanks John but unfortunately Luke fell asleep so we were all home by 8.30 pm and in bed. We had had an early start as the boys were up at 4am!

Great to catch up with the critter and family we will see them tomorrow for brekkie and will go to the Science Museum with them.