Monday 29 April 2013

Day 11 Charity shop here we come.

I have taken it upon myself to tidy, sort and have a spring clean of Janettes house.  So over the last few days I have reorganised her kitchen in order for her to be able to get to everything much more easily since she has broken her hip and become less mobile.  This also required a big clear out of many things.  So today was more of the same and a trip to the charity shop to get rid of a car load of stuff was great.  I have since got another half car load and still going . . . .

The weather has finally started getting better and the boys are enjoying some scooting, trip to the pound shop (similar to the $2 shop - but better bargins!)  And they love feeding the horses at the back of Janettes house - we have already gone through a bag of apples and carrots.  Meant for the people, but gone to the horses . . . oh well . . .  some will be well fed around here.

The boys demanded a dinner out at the pub, so off we went to Eilians old local the Farmers.  The boys loved their dinners, ours were very average, but still nice to get out.  Everywhere we go, we bump into someone we or Eilian knows . . .

Day 10 The Rain in Spain stays mainly in the Bont

Today was a day of playing monopoly deal etc as it was hosing down all day outside.

It was good to kick back and chill out.

We heard from our ex Tibbs House friends Dave and Linda Bardsley we may now be able to go to spain on an all inclusive holiday during half term.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 9 Rugby and more catch ups.

Hi all

Today was another early start!! The kids body clocks are still up the pole.

Cody has not been well but is ok.

Luke and i ventured out to Coedbach Park where Pontarddulais Play Rugby. Bont were playing Tenby United. While it was not a great game of rugby we managed to scrape home with a penalty in the last second of the game to win 19-16. A win is a win.

On the way home we popped in to watch cricket at the Cricket club two of my good friends as luck had it Martin Thomas(Camp) and Emyr Walters had just arrived and were not at the former players do the night before. So it was great to catch up with them.

That night we went to the Fountain Inn where Camps girlfriend had a re union we crashed it!! Amazingly the girls who had returned to Wales had come from NZ. One of them had taught Liam Parker the son of Adam and Jo our good friends from Northcote. Amazing coincidence.

Eiliante and Campese

Anna and Helen (Liams teacher)

Day 8 Cruising

Hi All

Had  a quiet day today woke aerly and went for a 10k run around the common it was brassic 6degrees which was in stark contrast to the 27 degrees we had in Los Angeles.

We took the kids to the Library and did some maths and schoolwork with them you have to be so organised to be a home schooler.

Klaud and Paul so sorry but all I said about Gorseinon was wrong. It had its very own food festival and has gone upmarket!! See below.

We went down to Llanelli waterfront where the boys had a mandatory scoot.

My good friend Greg Morgan popped around for  a warm up pre the former players association.

Well done Graham Davies and the team for organising an outstanding evening which allowed us crustys the opportunity of reminiscing about past moments of greatness over many many beers. I had a wonderful time catching up with friends and teammates. Rick O'Shea(Scrum 5 rugby pundit) was the guest speaker he was great entertainment. We raised 650 quid for the junior section!!

Tomorrow I will go and watch the current batch of players against Tenby United.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Day 6 in Transit Farewell USA hello UK

Hi all

Our hotel the Howard Johnson Anaheim was a great family hotel that I highly recommend. No restaurant but heaps of options around for food. A waterpark which i will show photos of later and a swimming pool. It was fantastic for the kids and open til 10 PM.

We left the Howard Johnson at 11.30 and went to look for shoes for Anna, I bought a Leatherman as I was frustrated at having to look for a knife or a scissors. We had to be at LAX by 3pm. We drove to LAX and got there in plenty of time. Returning the Ford escape to Alamo was a breeze and highly efficient.

LAX is as many have said a crap airport with minimal shops and amenities it is what it is!!!!

Virgin atlantic was disappoining to say the least. I doubt Mr Branson would have been happy with the service on display.

We got to LHR on time picked up the Vauxhall Zafira and headed to the M4 for an easy drive back to Pontarddulais. Luke wanting the toilet every 5 minutes and 6.20 Pounds to get in to Wales were the only issues. NB It started raining at NEWPORT!!!!!!!! Back in the Bont at 4.30
Luke on the Hydro slide

Cody on The Hydro

Kids waiting for the big bucket to empty


The Spa and big bucket

The Pool

Car boot

The boys in Red
Is it a superhero or Luke asleep

I wonder how our body clocks are going to be on Thusday.

Monday 22 April 2013

Day 5 M I C K E Y M O U S E

Today was a wonderful day at Disneyland.  The day started out with Breakfast.  There is nothing like breakfast in America, especially if your name is Cody Jones.  Actually both boys ordered chocolate chip pancakes with lashings of cream and maple syrup and some fresh fruit thrown in for good measure accompanied by large hot chocolates (they don't understand the concept of fluffies or smaller sizes for children) and this was topped by whipped cream.  All I could think about was both of them throwing up on our first ride!  Cody of course ate the lot, Luke of course didn't get through half of it.

Then on to Disneyland.  After our mistake at Universal Studios, we selected Buzz Lightyear as the first ride and they loved it.  It was very tame and a good start to the day.  Disappointment was aboud when we found out that space mountain was closed for the day!  Then on to become a Jedi Knight.  Luke decided it wasn't for him but Cody was keen.  Unfortunately although he was specially selected due to the force being strong within him he decided to turn down the opportunity due to his light sabre skills being a bit rusty!  As disappointed parents (sorry Paul Severn - we will make a Jedi Knight of him yet) we wandered on to the next ride.  The Matterhorn was a success (even if it did put my neck out (Anna)), and they refused to enter the Haunted Mansion - what a surprise, although Luke was keen for a while and said when he was 20 30 he would definately go on it!  After car rides, travels on space ships and meeting Darth Vader, the chip monks, photos with storm troupers, etc etc it was a great day had by all.  Unfortunately Pirates of the Carribean was terrifying to Cody who never wanted to go on another ride again, Indiana Jones was a slight redemer until we went to Peter Pan and the Tarzan House!  Then life was good again.  Luke loved them all!  Unfortunately the ones the kids love the most are the 3D ones which are also the ones that Eilian & I feel decidely queezy on by the end.  Unfortunately I got very wet on the aptly named splash mountain.  With only Luke in front of me, I copped the lot for the boat. Thanks boys!!!  We entered the park at 10 am and left Disney Land when it closed at 8pm.  Then went on a journey through downtown Disney to find Lego World and have some dinner.  Lego World was amazing and 6 items later . . . . . . the boys were very happy.  Another successful day in LA.  Tommorrow we are on a plane and heading to Wales . . .

Sunday 21 April 2013

Day 4 Huntington Beach and Anaheim here we come.

Hi all
We left Dave and Colleen's house in Orange County having had a great sleep and headed North west to spend a day at Huntington Beach.

Cody and Luke have got their MGP scooters so had a blast on the promenade though it was really busy. We chilled on teh beach and had a dip in the chilly water. I forgot my new boardies and had to succumb to the not so flattering Aqua blue budgie smugglers. Photographic evidence to follow.

We then watched some performers do hip hop and break dancing.

Back in the car to Anaheim for a 30 min drive to the Howard Johnson Hotel complete with Water park for the kids and also a decent sized swimming pool.

Dinner at Tony Romas, now the kids are in bed and Anna  is reading and I am catching up on days 3 and 4 in one hit. DISNEYLAND tomorrow
Yes Luke lets go this way

Embarassing moment smuggling budgies

The pier at Huntingdon

Luke why did you put uncle Daves relay baton there

Sand in the wheels

Anna pointing to an oilrig?????

Fearless Luke off again


Day 3 Transit to Orange County

Hi all been busy so have not been able to post.

On Day 3 we woke and got ready to go shopping at the citadel outlets, about 150 shops. The kids loved spending time with the Caragher kids as well as Cooper and Paddy the dogs, as did teh adults with Lisa, Rick was unfortunately away at a conference.

Candice our satnav did a great job of getting us to our destination where Luke bought some Adidas trainers and a rain jacket for Wales, Cody bought 2 pairs of converse high tops cheap as chips and a rain Jacket. I bought some cool camouflage boardies $65 down to $17. I lost count of the things Anna bought.

We left there to visit the Zeitlers(Dave, Colleen, Sean and Meghan) in Rancho Santa Margarita but before then we went to the Orange County Athletics Championships held at Mission Viecho where Dave , Sean  had a team from Santa Margarita High School and Meghan was working for the sponsor Asics. There were some great performances particularly in the boys and girls pole vault. Some great athletes on display.

We then went to Daleys for dinner and a catch up which was great. The boys called Dave Uncle Dave, that was so cute.

Thank you Dave and Colleen for putting us up and for being so patient with the kids. It was fantastic to catch up with you I am really glad we did it.

Cody, Shaylin, Luke, Kaera and her Bianca.

Lisa, Anna, Cody, Shaylin, Luke, Kaera and Moi.

Cooper and Kaera

The eagles in action in the Frosh Soph division.

Superb shot put facilities see below.

Dinner at Daileys Colleen, Sean, Anna, Luke, Cody, Jonesy, Meghan and Dave

Saturday 20 April 2013

Day 2 Universal Studios On the red carpet

Hi all
Day 2 began with me needing a stick of dynamite to wake up the boys.

Candice our Satnav is healthy and well so got us to Universal City in no time

Our first and only mistake was taking the boys to the house of horrors where real life ghouls would jump out from anywhere and put the shits up the kids and us. That was our first attraction!!! We never want to go in there again said Luke. We had to leave at teh emergency exit they were screaming so much. As a zombie with a chainsaw attacked Cody and myself shouting "come here little boy"!!!!!!!

Following this a much more sedate studio tour ensued which was excellent even if Norman Bates chased us up the road weilding his knife(See below)

We then went on the Simpsons ride and the amazing Waterworld which the kids loved. We then saw the Animal actors and then had lunch.

Down the escalators to the bottom lot where we got the mandatory soaking on Jurassic park, The kids then had photos with Bumble Bee from Transformers and the older kids went o n the Transformer and Mummy rides both fantastic.

The boys and mum went back on the Simpsons ride and then got a soaking in the new attraction the water attraction?? We ended the day with the shrek 4D movie?? Not just 3D but the seat in front Squirted you with water and your seat moved and blew cold air down your back.

WE then had dinner at Wolfgang Puck in Universal city and saw some buskers and bands before we went to reunite with candice and venture back to Altadena. We are here and ready for bed.

Tomorrow we go to Orange County to catch up with the Zeitlers.

On the red carpet

It's the Woody Woodpecker Show and the Joneses of Course

The count from Hotel Transylvania  wanting blood

Mandatory photo from Universal

Wisteria Lane!!!

Flooding a Mexican Village

The Fast and the Furious

No Cody has not got mumps but rather has 2 gobstoppers u know where

The Grinch who stole christmas

Norman Bates approaching knife in hand.

The amazing and always spectacular Waterworld.


Thanks Codes  for the support Frank is a nice guy really